Tuesday, April 21

pleasures (guilty and otherwise)

i haven't really been online recently...in all of my spare time, i have been reading, reading, reading...and not my usual blogs...ACTUAL books. wooo hoooo!!!

one of my absolute favorite authors, megan mccafferty just published her fifth book, perfect fifths. it is the culmination of a series that i have been following since 2000 or so. and it's finished...so in time for the fifth book, i wanted to re-read the previous four books, which has been difficult, since i introduced the series (and have shared my books with) one of my students who wanted to read it in time for the fifth book. sooooooooo...i'm still not caught up just yet. but i have purchased the fifth book, and let me tell you, it's been troublesome to not just go right to the fifth and final (sniff) book. but.......i want to reconnect with all the old characters!!!!

so, i feel pretty good about that pleasure. it's the next one that troubles me...and i'm sure it will trouble you too. or at least feel guilty about if you like it.

poker face by lady ga ga (spelling??) i LOVE this song. but it feels so wrong to love this song. i just know people would make fun of me if they knew how much i love this song, but i figured, whatever. plenty of people have guilty pleasures. :-) the video, though...i would really take or leave. it's sort of creepy...and what is the deal with that metal attachment to her face. let me tell you...i'm not ga ga over that. lord...bad joke. kill me now. or not.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Poker Face!! I swore to never listen to or enjoy her music after seeing her perform "Just Dance" on So You Think You Can Dance last year. She's just so freaky! But then that song really grew on me, and I like this one even better.

    Did you see her on American Idol? That was on April 1st and my hubby swore she was a fake artisit and it was an April Fool's joke. I kept telling him she was REAL and that the song was on the radio all the time but he didn't believe me. *haha* I think it was the zipper patch on her eye. ;)
